
Our offerings

How hard are we going tonight?


We have over 40 packages and we are certain we have one that fits your needs.

Who’s thirsty?

Beverage Menu

For everyone out there, our fridges are stocked for all your beverage needs with over 60 items to choose from.

Who’s hungry?

Food Menu

Need to recharge while you are out raving? We have your back with the most delicious food with over 30 delicious items to choose from.

Where would you like to sit?

Table Layout

It’s always to important to pick a table at a good spot, with our table layout you can do so!

How hard are we going tonight?


We have over 40 packages and we are certain we have one that fits your needs.

Who’s thirsty?

Beverage Menu

For everyone out there, our fridges are stocked for all your beverage needs with over 60 items to choose from.

Who’s hungry?

Food Menu

Need to recharge while you are out raving? We have your back with the most delicious food with over 30 delicious items to choose from.

Where would you like to sit?

Table Layout

It’s always to important to pick a table at a good spot, with our table layout you can do so!


